Sep. 4th, 2010
"You will never find one person that Jesus did not pay a price for..."
No matter how you feel or where you are, someone around you desperately needs what you have. The only thing holding that back is us.
We went with one intention, to manifest the Kingdom of God everywhere our feet tread. I stopped anyone that had a physical need, wheelchair, cain, limps, crying, anything. I joyfully ran up to almost every police officer i could find, and asked if they needed a miracle of any sort. After being turned down many times, i pressed on happily towards a free water tent. After Healing everybody at the tent of back pains and foot pains, I walked with SueEllen towards the crowd. On the outskirts of The Call, there were three teenagers sitting on the grass. They were not highlighted in any supernatural way that i am aware of, i just wanted to go over there.... so i did. ( Do not wait for a "special leading", he paid a price for everyone. )
"Hey guys! Can we hang out with you for a couple seconds?"
I proceeded to sit down, not giving them time to really say anything. As they remained off guard i asked them if any of them had any pain, and if they did they would get healed right now. They thought i was making fun of God at the moment.
"I have a scar on my eye..."
"Ok, blink three times and you will be healed!"
After he Blinked, no change at all. They all looked at me like i was just joking around.
"Alright, let me see your hand... 'In Jesus name, i command the scar, and pain to go right now!"
Instantly he whole countenance changed, and begun to freak out. Asking me if this was a trick i was playing on him. I just asked if he had anything else. Ended up having cavities...
"Let me see your hand, 'In Jesus name, all cavities and pain Go!"
"WOAH! Dude, what did you do?"
He described the feeling as if his teeth went numb. As he asked me what i did, i shared the good news that it is Jesus, and right now he is feeling the Holy Spirit heal him. He got completely free from all pain in his eyes, and teeth. The scar was still on his eye, but it stopped bothering him. Then i asked him if he ever felt God's presence. He said no, so i made him hold out his hands. He quickly pulled a way with his eyes open wide. I told the feeling on his hands to increase, and he freaked out even more. After all this, i have there un-divided attention. I am explaining what is happening, and that it is my best friend, Holy Spirit! SueEllen asks the girl if she plays the violin, and prophesied over her about that. (she was right). I taught them how to prophecy, and they practiced on SueEllen. I told them that its not some special gift, that only some people can operate in. That me and SueEllen are not any specially gifted people, but rather normal christians who walk out the bible. SueEllen and I walked about 15 yards over to the police officers again. (i don't know whats the deal with me and the cops, i asked about 20 of them for prayer that day haha) After getting rejected we looked back over and the three teenagers are praying for eachother to feel the presence of God!!! At that moment i came alive, and had compassion on them. I knelt down next to them again, and further explain how God is not a formula, but a person. I had my new friends pray for eachother again, and the girl started shaking her hands under the presence! It was so awesome to see all three of these teens encounter the living God, that is radically in Love with them!
We went to go get more people healed, so we gave them our numbers, and walked towards the crowd.
After healing more people, i saw a lady on crutches. I prayed for her ACL (she tore it) and made her walk without her crutches. As i am holding her hand and walking with her, i find myself in the midst of a crowd cheering us on. We walk back into the crowd, and i'm watching her walk by herself. No more limping, no more pain, no more crutches. I turn to my friends, and i see my new friends that i prayed for earlier (the teenagers) standing with the crowd. That was awesome. After talking for a little bit, i held the girls hand, and declared over her who she is in Christ. That she is radically loved, and that she is perfect and beautiful just the way she is. I looked into her eyes, and with everything in me i showed her who she really is. I pull her closer and quietly ask her if she struggled with depression. ( when i look at people God shows me things about them). She nodded yes, so i commanded it to go.
"You felt that lift off of you huh?"
She nodded yes again. I had her put her hand on her heart, and i prayed again.
"Holy spirit, in that place, i release your everlasting Joy"
She just started laughing and everything about her looked completely different. It was so beautiful! I was filled with so much Love and Compassion for her. She could not stop smiling. I walked over to the youngest one of the three. I started to prophecy to him who he is in Christ and his gifts. I saw writing, specifically journaling, and that he was a King. He likes to write, and his last name is King. That was awesome. He asked me how i knew him so well.
I discipled them, taught them who they were in Christ. They are royalty, they are Kings and rulers with all authority. Taught them how to heal the sick, cast out devils. Taught them that it is not about the miracles, it is about peoples freedom and encountering God. I got very practically, found sick people for them to pray for, had them repeat a simple prayer, and watch them heal people. The girl would feel the Holy Spirit when she started praying, and i watched as goosebumps would shoot up someone's arm. She prayed like this...
"I am a King, pain go."
The two boys ran over together by themselves to go pray for someone. I showed them how to approach people, and that there is no magic word, or formula.
By this time I was thirsty...
"Hey I'm a King, and I want water. Lets go to the free water tent."
We all walked together to the tent. They told me they ran out of water. Then i said with all confidence and boldness.
"I am a King, I get what i want, when i want."
Then right after i finished that sentence, a club car drove over, and dropped of three big cases of water.
I look at the three and say.
"I'm a King, i get what i want, when i want."
God is good. I am King. Simple.
We were standing next to the tent on the street corner. I was talking to them about how God was so real to me, and that i am so sold out for him, that I am radically in Love with him. I started to cry as i explained my Love for him, and how this is who i am, someone sold out entirely for God. As i was crying they started to cry. It became obvious to them, how real this all is, and as we were all filled with tears they each came up and individually gave me a hug! That made me even happier.
We stayed at the tent healing everybody. It was a lot of fun. Taught the three how to heal some more, and watched them heal everyone they laid hands on.
They ended having to go home, so i gave them all hugs and we said our goodbyes.
I stayed at The Call with Travis Young, and Steve Winters. We stayed there until about 7 or 8 o'clock
and continued to heal people. Sense everyone was getting healed, the volunteers were calling in other staff to come to the tent to get healed.
We prayed for a broken wrist, and had this little 15 year old girl pray with me. Before she started to pray I told her that she is a princess, and she is super beautiful. We prayed... and then that was the first miracle she ever saw. The lady with the messed up wrist got healed, she took off her brace and started bending her hand and moved it in circle motions. Previously she could not even move her hand. Now she had full mobility, and no pain. Later i walked up to that 15 year old girl, and told her that God is coming for her.
Walked away... Understood that more, and walked back. I said.
"OH! i get it, God is saying that he is Pursuing your heart!"
Walked away... Then walked back over to her for the Last time and said.
"Something happened to your dad. And now God wants to be that Father in your Life... not only does he want to be your father, he also wants to become your best friend..."
The mother began crying. And i walked away. I went back healing people and hanging out with my friends. Later on that day, an older women walked up to me telling me that the word I gave to that little girl, was right on, and she padded me on the back, and thanked me so much. I have no idea the weight of what i said had, i just knew that I was right.
The day continued with more miracles and more free water. We took over the free water tent and turned into a free healing/water tent. Awesome.
I typed a lot. Because the moments and time i spent with these people changed my life. The moments i shared with the three teenagers, i will never forget. I cherished that time more than anything else this weekend. They told me that when i speak they come alive, and they know that what I am saying is truth. That they cant help but be around me. They become happier, peaceful, they began to Love themselves, and appreciate who they are. They became hopeful and cheerful, they could not stop smiling, and neither could I. As I watched the Lord transform them every second they were with me, I transformed as well. These three stole my heart, and I don't want it back. I fell in Love with them. I cared about them, still do. They went from bored, and possibly broken people, to excited, joyfull, and people of self-worth! I know without a shadow of a doubt that they walked away, never the same again, completely transformed. And I did to. They changed my life. They changed me and showed me more about myself that I was not aware of. I am forever thankful.
I ended up texting them almost the whole drive back up to Redding!
Haha, im so in Love with Jesus. I am in Love with a man, and nothing will stop this fire that burns inside of me.
-Andrew Walsh
-Andrew Walsh

Dude so good Love it!
wow...wow...amazing...thanks for sharing!
very encouraging
L.O.L. strikes again. I can only wait so long before I must hit the streets with you once more.
Our Lord is just amazing! I've been learning more and more from Curry Blake and Andrew Wommack etc. This has turned my Christian walk upside down. I have lots of religious thinking still being challenged and undone and I am praying rather different, or should I say commanding in most cases. My prayers are now almost always just thanksgiving! Thankyou for sharing these testimonies, I have you bookmarked now. - Matt.
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH TEAR TEAR TEAR WITH JOY :') you awesome andrew. keep spreadin the love <3
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