Who Are You?

  • Sunday, October 31, 2010
  • - Andrew Walsh

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             Hello there Son/Daughter of a King!
    I have realized that the world is in an identity crisis... The fun part about that is God himself, has chosen you to be a part-taker, a co-awesomer, in a little task that I like to call "worlding". Worlding: [verb] the act of taking over the world. Yes, I just made up a word... One little, but very, important part in "worlding" is giving people their identities back. In order to give someone their identity you need to have yours. You can't give something you don't have. Here is an article on rediscovering your identity for "worlding" purposes.

    Rediscovering your self-worth is easy but requires a renewing of the mind.

                    Step 1: Quality time with God.
                    Step 2: Reading the bible.
    Both steps go hand in hand. And they will change your life!!!

    1. Quality Time with God.  

    "A revelation of God is a revelation of yourself, because you were created in his image." ~ Dennis Bontrager

    Spending time with God is important because He is the only One who holds our identity. We were created in His image and His likeness.

    You are a CHILD of The Most High.
    (Genesis 1:26, John 1:12-13, 2 Corinthians 5:17)

    And the apple does not fall to far from the tree.
    That applies for YOU TOO!
    You may not BE God, but You ARE His child :D

    This is what God is saying to you right now....

    "So my child, do you feel like your in the dark? Run to me! Run to ME! Let me be you're light! I want to be that light in your life!"

    When you walk into a dark room, and you want the light on, you just turn the switch on!
    You have 100% confidence that when you turn that switch "ON" that light will fill the room. Jesus is our light. Running to him, is turning the switch to "ON".
    Turn your switch from OFF to ON!

    WARNING! : You do not just want good principals without the prince! So make sure you do "step 1." and have quality time!
    The word is a double edged sword, so you must be careful with it, so read it with God!

    If you do not read it with God, it is like trying to learn football from scratch without a football coach! Reading the "How to book" is not enough. You need someone with hands on experience... Someone like Jesus! Let Jesus show you how its done. Let Jesus be your coach.

    "It is the glory of God to conceal a matter, But the glory of kings is to search out a matter." ~ proverbs 25:2

    You are a king, so go search out His heart!

    2. Read your Bible! 

    "And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect." ~ Romans 12:2

    If you want to become transformed, renew your mind.

    You renew your mind, by spending quality time with God, and reading the word with him. Your mind is renewed when the lens that you see through is the same lens that God himself sees things. When you see things the way God sees them, you will be transformed. 

    "How will I know when i am transformed?"
             - When those verses reflect how you see yourself and others
             - You begin to walk them out. (Walk the Talk...)
             - Other people will begin to notice the changes in you because you are transformed.
              " For out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks." (Matthew 12:34)
              " For as a man thinks in his heart, so is he." (Proverbs 23:7)
              - You will find yourself no longer seeking mans praises. But rather resting in God's approval.
              - You will also just simply know when you are...

         * If you need some help finding good verses here is a list of verses about who you are in Christ. (This list is from the article "Who I Am in Christ" by Ryan Rhoades http://www.revivalorriots.org/archives/1219 ) * HIGHLY RECOMMEND!!!

    Easy right?
    1. Spend time with God.
    2. Renew your mind.

    Tips: What I find really helps me is to turn my favorite worship music on, and become so aware of God and his presence that all the false identities of the world fall off and the only thing left standing is Jesus Christ. I begin to remember who I am. Then I will open up the bible, meditate on those verses until that Truth becomes the reality that I live out of.

                                How to never again forget who you are.

    After you get a hold of who you, your priceless God given identity, you will need to protect it and fight to keep it!
    To not forget, you need accountability, and a relationship with God that is constantly growing!

    - Accountability: Core group of friends that remind you who you are when you act contrary to your new nature in Christ. You need to be able to trust your very close friends more than yourself. So carefully pick your inner circle, your closest friends.

    - Growing relationship with God: Requires conversation, and just being with Him. Being with Him simply means that you do not forget about Him, not always in a room with worship music on. Don't leave Him only to your room but, have Him involved in your life, in your everyday conversations. You are one with Him, so he goes where you go!

     So always remember who you are, and have friends that remind you.

    If you are begin to forget, do steps 1 & 2. Remember the last time you knew?
    When someone forgets who they are, it is rarely an overnight process.

    This is how you know that you are beginning to forget who you are.
    - Agreeing with lies. They will not sound like lies to everyone. They may sound like "what IF _____ ?" 
    - You feel like your giving up. Almost like it is out of your control. Usually gradual.
    - Your vision or purpose in life will feel not as important. The enemy is trying to make you feel insignificant because he knows that you are powerful.
    - You will start making excuses, because you will see the things as problems instead of opportunities (Glass half empty way of thinking.)
    "What IF this happens? No way i could do that!"
    God will never call you to do something you can't accomplish, because he will always give you the grace to make it through. When you feel like it's impossible, that means God has to show up in your situation. Those times are opportunities to learn how to trust God. He is a God that is made perfect in your weakness.
    - You feel like you do not like yourself.
    - You look at the world for your identity.
    - It seems like things just feel and get harder, mostly between you and God. Or even your christian walk.
    - There are more.

    The problem that most people fun into is that they do not notice when they begin to forget about who they are in Christ. The reason is, because it is a slow but progressive process, which can seem difficult to counter and bounce back from.

    For me I have begun to realize when this is happening in my life, and others very quickly, and you will too. The Holy Spirit goes off in my head/heart just like an alarm, when i hear a lie. Because i know what truth is, I also know what truth is not. You need a relationship with Truth. So when Mr. Lie tries to have a relationship with you, you can tell him to SHHHHHHHH!!!

    "Submit yourselves to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you." ~ James 4:7

    Holy Spirit will help you just listen... He will always redirect you to Christ.

    Here is a list of things you may run into on your pursuit to your identity & how to overcome them!

    1.) When you run after God, or your anything that has to do with your Destiny, the enemy will always, always, try harder to attack you. If things get hard, get back up, and run faster and harder towards God and your destiny more than before. The enemy will realize that what he is doing is not working, so he stops. "Submit yourselves to God. Resist the devil, and he [the devil] will flee from you." ~ James 4:7

    2.) The fight over your identity has been going on way before you were born. It started with Adam, Eve, Jesus, and now you. Because Jesus has victory over the enemy, so do you! "The God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet!" ~ Romans 16:20

    3.) Bad thoughts. Those stupid things that are echoed in your head? Those are not your thoughts! Hard to believe? Well Adam and Eve heard the serpent [Satan] talk to them. Jesus, when he was in the desert fasting, the devil came to him and tried to tempt him. Same thing with us, maybe not the devil himself, but definitely those bad thoughts are not from us, or from God. They can come from movies, billboards etc., the whispers come from somewhere. "For who has known the mind of the lord, that he will instruct him? But we have the mind of Christ." ~ 1 Corinthians 2:16

    4.) You are not fighting yourself! "For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places." ~ Ephesians 6:12 This battle is not against flesh and blood, not against any man, including yourself. It is not your old man, not your flesh, not your heart or spirit. (Galatians 2:20, Galatians 5:24, Ezekiel 36:26, 1 Corinthians 2:16) If the enemy can convince you that those are you thoughts you will be like a dog chasing its tail, getting no where fast, and very tired. Or like a guy punching himself, it looks dumb, and doesn't help. So stop hurting yourself

    5.) Doubting God's voice. "Is that me or is that God?" In John 10:4-5, Jesus says that His sheep will hear His voice, and another they will not follow. It does not say His sheep will only hear God's voice, and not another's. A son knows his own father's voice very well. 

    I am not trying to focusing on the enemy, but I have fought him enough times to know his tactics. So instead of letting you walk into a mine field with a blind fold, I am showing you where the minds are, and removing the blind fold. I am also not saying that these things will happen to you. Its just a warning.

    It is important and vital that you know who you are, because the world is having an identity crisis. When you rediscover who you are, you can show the world who they are. Sons and Daughters of a King. Because when you are transformed, you can transform other people. And transformed people transform the world.

    After you find out who you really are in Him. You will learn more about yourself.
    You are growing into your potential, your destiny, who you already are.

    "... beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory..." - 2 Corinthians 3:18

    P.S ~ you are SO valuable 

    Value: the worth of something compared to the price paid for it.

    Jesus' life was the price for you, so compare your worth to His life.

    Your Value: Priceless

    His sacrifice, the price He paid for you, is the only thing that determines your value and your worth. Your worth can never decrease because the blood remains priceless.

    We need to measure our self to His blood. Our self worth, our success, all of it!
    Everything who we are, is measured by His blood.

    Be blessed, and Go get transformed, then transform the world!

     ‎"He loves us too much to allow us to go on being who we are, when He knows what we are capable of." ~ unkown

    God I ask, for everyone out there struggling to find their identity, that we can raise up people who know who they are in You. People to show the world their true identity. In Jesus name, amen.

    If you would like to talk to me about any of this, or about your own struggles dealing with identity (or any matter) please contact me! I love helping people! I have over come this obstacle in my own life, and seen others overcome it as well.
    Do not hesitate to ask for help. That is why i am here! If you want to contact me, go to my contact page at the top of the page.

    Here is a video for encouragement/entertainment.


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